The Importance of Hope
The Importance of Hope
There are three components of this section. Please complete all three before moving on to the next lesson.
- Take the Beck's Hopelessness Assessment.
- Watch the video - The Importance of Hope
- Download and complete the Worldview Analysis
Note: Please complete the digital Beck's Hopelessness assessment on this page so we can get a pre and post score for the class. If you want to score your own Beck's Hopelessness Inventory, you may download a PDF form of the assessment and the answer key (available at the bottom of this page). Thank you!
No matter where you are right now in your outlook on life, it helps you and us to know two things:
1) If you need additional support at this time.
2) If this online course has any impact on helping you feel more hopeful.
Take the Beck's Hopelessness Inventory Below
The Beck's Hopelessness Inventory is a self-report inventory designed to measure levels of hopelessness. Please answer each question by answering true or false based on how you have been feeling in the past weeks, including today. If you have any questions, the instructor will also walk you through this assessment in the video below. When you have answered every question click on the Submit button.
Watch the Video - The Importance of Hope
Worldview Analysis
A worldview is just a framework we use to view the world. This worldview analysis is only a tool. It will help you clarify how you currently approach religion and spirituality.
Note: To download the PDF files, click on the small filenames at the bottom of this page.
You may also download the PDF version of the assessment and then download the answer key to score your own results. There are no right or wrong answers.